Gun Laws vs. Crime Rates in 2024

Almost daily, legislators propose new gun laws aimed at reducing crime rates. However, both new and existing laws are unlikely to impact crime significantly. With over 90 years of gun control legislation and crime data, it’s clear that these laws do little to curb criminality or save lives. [More]

“Gun Control” doesn’t work, at least for its stated justification.

Even NRA and NSSF-approved “gun control.”

Another Win-Red Beneficiary

A bill introduced after a mass shooting in Maine would require the Army to use state crisis intervention laws to remove the weapons of a service member who is deemed to be a serious threat to themselves or others, U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, the bill’s sponsor, said Monday. [More]

“Deemed” how? What part does due process play?

And if he’s a “serious threat,” will he still have physical access to the public?

And yeah, every time you donate through WinRed, the Vichycons get their cut.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Unappreciated Enough

Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago’s Office Of Police Accountability [More]

Am I wrong to think this has more to do with “overrepresentation” and less to do with Founders’ intent behind the Bill of Rights?

[Via bondmen]

The Culpability Consequence

…26 million Americans believe “the use of force” is justified to keep Trump from regaining the presidency. [More]

They mean “by others,” and like the MSNBC moron, most have no clue that it could blow back on them up close and personal. They think they’ll read about it, make some “serve’s the fasicsts right” comments on social media, and that’ll be the end of it.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Playing Grand Theft Auto Enough

…the entire time police had Robinson’s vehicle impounded, they never checked to see whether both her fog lights were working, or not. They also never tested the car for potentially relevant evidence, such as gunpowder residue… [More]

Who needs good old-fashioned police work?

Come to think of it, that generally involved a rubber hose…

[Via Michael G]

Spoiling to Start Something He Thinks He’ll Remain Above

MSNBC Columnist Says Routh Was Justified in Wanting to Take a Shot at Trump [More]

So, it it true that we don’t hate the DSM enough?

If so, when do Bill Clinton’s Rules of Engagement take effect?

[Via Michael G]

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Lakeside resident Christian Ferrari, a Marine lance corporal at the time of his arrest, admitted that he sold 22 AR-15-style rifles to undercover ATF agents… “Sometimes I just don’t think that far ahead, your honor,” Ferrari, a 23-year-old El Cajon resident, told the judge. [More]

What’s that colored gunk between his teeth?

[Via Jess]

‘Drive-By Bye’ for How Long?

The 144 people arrested have about 1,599 prior arrests and 1,669 felony charges between them. Nearly half of them were convicted felons. [More]

Or as race-hustling Democrats would say, they’re overrepresented in the criminal justice system…

So, how soon will they once more be deemed trustable without a custodian?

[Via Edmund M]

A Dangerous and Unusual Argument

This is How They’ll Just Ignore the Second Amendment [Watch]

I seem to recall somebody — an obscure bellyacher, not a recognized Second Amendment scholar — warning not to overly rely on the “common use” test

[Via Jess]

The Sleeping Giant Awakens?

And so now you see, the REAL men and REAL women are coming to take our COUNTRY back. We won’t be SILENCED, we can’t be STOPPED. [More]

I’d feel better about that if so many of the people projected to bear that load didn’t find excuses not to vote, contribute, join, work, spread the word, share links…

We have met the enemy and he is us.”

The Feeling is Mutual

Howard Stern says he ‘hates’ anyone that votes for Trump: ‘They are stupid, I have no respect for them’ – Stern said he agrees with people comparing Trump to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler [More]

Told ya.

I’ve never been able to understand this vulgar, genocide-minded apparatchik’s attraction, or why black conservatives are called Uncle Toms while Robin Quivers, who should have walked and denounced him a long time ago, is given a pass.

House Oversight Asked to Determine FBI/NICS Authority for Ammunition Purchases

Unlike FOIA requests, which can ask for records, the committee can ask questions and has subpoena power to cut through to the chase and get them answered. [More]

Getting a simple question answered shouldn’t take an act of Congress, presuming House Oversight Republicans will act…

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